• Renal Care

    Most people are still unaware that kidney disease can strike anyone at any time. Did you know that most people who experience late stage renal (kidney) failure have NO symptoms until it is too late?

  • Vaccination

    Understanding the difference between vaccines, vaccinations, and immunizations can be tricky

  • Hepatis B

    A serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus that’s easily preventable by a vaccine.

  • Family Planning

    Our clinics provide confidential and non-judgemental sexual and reproductive health care.  

  • Wellbaby Clinic

    Our Well Baby Clinic was also put in place to grow a healthy motherhood in communities.  There’s a support group for mums and babies in every  at our clinic .

  • ANC(Antenatal/Postnatal Services)

    Antenatal care is an essential part of pregnancy and should start as soon as you find out you’re expecting. Having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to promote a healthy birth.

  • Get Free Initial Consultation, Call 082 507 9514

    Fees are an estimate only and may be more depending on your situation

